30 November 2003

Starbucks Everywhere

This one is dedicated to Budjette.

This guy has made it his mission to visit ALL of the Starbucks in the US. He has visited around 3698 stores all over the US. Not including 114 stores in the UK.

He has taken pictures of each store he has visited and posted them in the site. It's sorted by state.

And yes, he makes it a point to have a coffee in each of the store. Must be one strung out dude.

The Movie Spoiler

Another site that summarizes the plot of the movie. Really handy if you watch one and manage to miss the ending or was too disinterested to finish it.

It would help though if you know the title of the movie. I have this one I started in the middle but manage to miss the important last five minutes.

KTV NIGHTS 2: The Day After (Do read the first part before this)

HOME: Around 7 in the morning.

Just had a couple of minutes of sleep when Tess (or was it Lulu?) wakes me up and tells me I have to accompany Lulu to school.

"It's Saturday!", I exclaim.

Turns out, there is a scheduled MASS that she has to attend. At eight, even. And Lulu specifically wanted ME to come with her. Ooookay. Seems someone up there planned ahead and made it that I have to go to church after a night of sin. Even if nothing happened.

Tried tempting Lulu not to go and just hang around. She didn't buy it. Tess was going to the market and needed money so I gave her my ATM. We left. Gabbi was still asleep.

I have the urge to smoke but manage to control it.

CHURCH: Somewhere in Paranaque.

Arrived there. Two teachers greeted us. We went in. I noticed that I was one of the very few fathers who came. Lots of mothers though.

After the mass, we left. Lulu said she wanted to go to KFC. She read my mind. I've been hankering to have some fowl ever since Thanksgiving. But before that, we spy a Taho vendor and had some ourselves.

King Nicotine starts badgering me to take a puff. Again I ignore it.

KFC: Along Roxas Blvd.

I ordered the Two piece chicken meal with full fixins and three extra rolls. Lulu ordered the chicken strips. We both had rootbeer. Not exactly the Turkey meal I had in mind. It was chicken, after all. Too bad they didn't serve biscuits.

Lulu mentions to me that she has a hundred pesos and she wants to buy something at National Bookstore at the mall across the street.

I say okay. In front of me was a distractingly sexy lady. I try not to look. She was giving me the eye though. I ignore it. As if I was going to make a move. I'm with my daughter, for goodness sake.

Turns out, she was looking PAST me where a friend was sitting. Yeah lady, that was a good thing. You would have been awfully disappointed if you were eyeing me.

Anyway, I finish my meal way before Lulu's. She kept asking me if the mall was already open. We plan to go over and check if they do open early. I tell her to remind me to buy a lotto ticket.

Now my nicotine levels are very low and my whole body is seeking the fix. I can't!!!! Lulu is with me!


The mall was open. Lulu is smiling. I'm becoming giddy. To top it off, this is a smoking mall. Means I can take a puff if I wanted to. I try to think happy thoughts.

Lulu and I plan our assault in the mall. First, we'll let go raid the DVD places. Then we buy the lotto ticket. Afterwards, we'll go to National Bookstore and buy what she wants with her one hundred pesos.

DVD STALLS: In the mall

We spent a lot of time looking at the titles. Lulu picks up a copy of THE RING. The Japanese version is one of her favorites. I grab a copy of Gosford Park and Pirates of the Caribbean. I ignore Kill Bill and Matrix Revolutions.

I manage to smile since I was thinking of buying a pirated DVD about Pirates.

In another stall, a couple of foreigners (I guess, American) were buying everything they see. At eighty pesos a pop (roughly, a dollar fifty), they were on a DVD buying frenzy.

The DVD searching manage to stave off any attempts to smoke since I had to wade through a lot of title covers. They should just write it down on a piece of paper so I can scan it. Easier and faster, right. Not the Philippine way.

LOTTO Stall: In the Mall

After the DVD searching, we went to the lotto stall and I bought a lottery ticket. 66 Million. That would help me out a bit. After paying, Lulu noticed my hands were hot. Hope my luck is too.

The cigarette in my pocket start speaking to me. "Smoke me! Smoke me". Before I could, we were already inside:


Lulu searches for her Witch comic book. It's issue 18. She doesn't have issue 17 yet. So we go around but found none. I mozy on over the office supply section to buy a CDR. Have to burn something for a friend. I tell Lulu to go over and just get issue 18.

She comes back without the issue looking distraught. It turns out, she has a hundred pesos IN THE HOUSE. INSIDE HER PIGGY BANK! IN COINS!!!

So, I gave her a hundred twenty and hand over the CDR and tell her to pay while I just browse some magazines.

Now the craving for nicotine is unbearable. I try thinking happy thoughts. But the happy thoughts that I have is sitting in a coffee shop and puffing as much cigarettes as I can fit in my mouth and nostrils.

Lulu holds my hand tight. Sensing that I wanted a cigarette fix. "Look! A cigarette vendor!", she exclaims. Lulu can probably excel in torture.


We rode in the wrong side of the street. So what normally would just take five minutes, took us about a half hour. What with the no left turns and no u-turns around. I felt like a tour guide pointing things out to Lulu. Plus, I gave my ATM to Tess so I ended up with just enough to pay the cab.

As we approached the door, Gabbi, was holding a package. Excitedly, she blurts out that Lulu's Ogle Goggle has arrived! They both open it and well, they ogle the goggle.

I am already dead tired. No sleep since the previous day. And have the urge to just chew the cigarettes that I have to have the full dosage of nicotine. I tell the kids and Tess that I would just lie down in the bedroom. I turn on the airconditioner.

Bad move. You see, the kids can sense a mile away when the airconditioner is on. So they scamper in the room and start playing. Playing in the bed. Around me. And on top of me. I plead with them to just keep quiet for a second. My last thought before the Sandman hits me with his mallet like a ton of bricks was whether I closed the windows or not.

I start dreaming of Marlboro Country. Long Cigarettes that break. And a black rotten lung singing. Don't even ask what song it was singing. I guess, you already know.

Tayo'y mag otso-otso. Otso otso...

29 November 2003


"Phototag is a community photography project where we retrofit cheap disposable cameras with shiny new packaging, artwork, instructions and return postage. Each camera is then passed along to friends and strangers with the request that they take one picture and pass it along to someone else. (Phototaggers can also report on their experiences at our website.) Once all the film is used up, the last Phototagger can simply drop the camera in the mailbox--the return address, postage and all the fine folks at the United State Postal Service will handle things from there. When we get the cameras back we'll post the pictures here on the Phototag website so everyone can see."

Wonder if it'll work here. I mean, you're walking down the street then someone takes your picture then gives you the camera. Other's would say, "Cool, I'll continue the trend". But some would think, "Whoa! Free camera."

Seriously though, the project is awesome. One ended up in India from Boston and has been out for 718 days. Really interesting. Too bad the camera only has a limited amount of pictures. Out of the 37 cameras, only seven has returned. One is still unreleased.

Remember Space 1999?

I was busy moving from link to link. Then from out of the blue I saw: Space 1999. For the uninitiated, Space 1999 was a science fiction series during the 1970s. Moon Base Alpha. Eagle One. Maya. They just bring back memories. I remember an episode when the oxygen was depleting very fast and Maya transformed into a plant. I had a huge crush on that shape shifter...

I am digressing. Anyway, this site breaks down one of the episodes of Space:1999. Dragons Domain.

Eagle One. Must be one of the best space ship designs, donchatink?


KTV 1: Somewhere in Malate

As I entered the establishment, the waiters started greeting me. It's a bit awkward for me since almost always, all the GRO would glance over my side. Thinking I'm a big spender or something. Actually I'm just big but I wouldn't mind the transition.

Something is wrong though. No GRO! The whole area where around 60 plus beautiful nubile ladies weren't there. I look back to the waiter and motioned my head to the empty lounge. He smiled and pointed further down the area, where all the GRO where standing around what seems to be three people. Now I know why a lot of our Muslim friends are brave enough to sacrifice themselves in a jihad.

Oh well, I'd look forward to being awkward next week then. After talking to some of the guys. Declined a shot of whisky. Had a glass of water. I left.

KTV 2: Still in Malate

Guard smiles at me and opens the door. Reminds me that they still need one more umbrella to use for the guests. I nod, made a mental note, and totally forgot about it. Until now, I guess.

Manager isn't in yet. He usually comes in around ten pm. So I talked to the assistant. In front of me is a widescreen television playing "Nais Kong Makapiling Ka". I have this urge to stand up, grab the mike and shove it in my ear hope that the sound of my brain palpitating would drown out the tune.

Too late. As I leave the place, I start humming it. All the way to:

KTV 3: Somewhere in Roxas Blvd.

Another guard again recognizes me and opens the door. He motions me to wait while he calls the manager. I sit down in the sofa. In my head, I try and fight off the urge to hum that stupid song.

It got worse.

As the guard opens the door to the bar proper, I am drowned by the song "Otso Otso". Six or seven scantily clad women are on stage dancing to the tune. Before I knew it, my brain registered it. I should have stuck to the old song.

I almost went berserk when I found out I left the very thing I was supposed to bring there. I apologize to the manager (who just got recently promoted). Shot the bull with him and left.

It would not be proper to state the obvious here but... I started humming that "Otso Otso" tune.

KTV 4: Still around Roxas Blvd.

"Tayo'y mag-otso otso. Otso-otso..."

Oh, I'm inside now. Again, the doorman recognizes me. Smiles and opens the door. His smile is somewhat disarming until I remember he was asking for a T-shirt. I sheepishly apologize and promise to actually bring one next week.

Still smiling, he motions me to one of the sofa's in the customer area. Where two women sans wardrobe were dancing on the stage. My senses just halted except for the sense of smel.. I mean sight. All traces of previous tunes, thoughts, plans, coherency in my head were immediately erased.

I sit down and had a hard time discussing business while women were going up and down the stairs, up and down the pole, and (can I be blunt?) up and down my head.

Stayed there for awhile. Declined to drink but asked for coffee. Like I need my heart to palpitate more. Manager whispers to me that the current girl dancing is half german. I have some german too, but let's not get into that.

Ten or so dancing girls later, I said my goodbyes.

This time no tunes in my head. All that was in my head are thos... never mind. You get the idea.

CONVENIENCE STORE: Gas station along Roxas Blvd.

I totally skipped the gay bar. The last thought in my brain was sort of pleasant and I don't want to mar that with an image that would torment me the whole weekend. I remind myself to bring a cap when I visit THAT bar.

So, I traipse into the convenience store and order a pack of cigarettes and a bag of M&Ms. Clerk who just woke up misunderstood what I said and gave me a pack of L&Ms. Seeing the mistake she gave me the right order. She recognizes me as one of the regular late night customers. After curt his, hellos and thank yous. I left.


As I get near the door, I notice Tess on the couch asleep. Television is on; Fashion TV. She opens her eyes and smiles. My mind just went blank and reformatted itself. Self Defense Mechanism, I suppose.

Then I start singing that "Otso Otso" song again.

Want to know what happened a couple of hours afterwards? Go over to the sequel to this post.

28 November 2003

The ORIGINAL Illustrated Catalog Of ACME Products

"ACME is a worldwide leader of many manufactured goods. From its humble beginnings providing corks and flypaper to bug collectors... to its heyday in the American Southwest supplying a certain coyote, from Ultimatum Dispatchers to Batman outfits, ACME has set the standard for excellence.
For the first time ever, information and pictures of all ACME products, specialty divisions, and services featured in Warner Bros. cartoons (made by the original studio from 1935 to 1964) are gathered here, in one convenient catalog.

Hmmmm.... I'd go with the Acme Time Space Gun so that I can fast forward to see who'd win the Philippine Election.

27 November 2003


Hmmmm... Turkey....

aka: Insert right foot in mouth without removing left foot

First off, I've been gone for a couple of days without a connection. Yup, been beating Praetorians on hard level. Defense is the best offense I always say.

I am digressing. Where was I? Oh yeah, what happened during my "dark" days; Fernando Poe Jr. has declared his intention to run for President. Manila Hotel. The Champagne Room. Mrs. FPJ crying. The whole show. Pomp, glamour, drama... Now all gloves are off. The dollar went down. Everyone including the kitchen sink is lamenting the next few years under another actor turned President.

But, how different would it be with the other presidentiables?

Everyone else who are running are not exactly immaculate themselves. A very close Gentleman relative who hit the Germans for US$500 million or else the airport won't open (I guess they didn't pay). An Educated Politician full of himself, who had one of his officials tie his shoe. Let's not even touch the Dumb Not-So-Bright Anchor (yeah, take off the doorknobs to prevent SARS), the Military Dudette. And the rest of the gallery, whoever they may be. Most of them have relatives or friends who they placed in positions. Most have properties and amenities way beyond their means. Most of them have approached a lot of religious groups for endorsements. And all of them profess their love of our country and are just there to better it. Right, pardon me while I exchange all my dollars to pesos, all five of them.

This is not about them. This is about FPJ.

Why are we so against FPJ? I myself am against him running until it hit me the other night. Would the Philippines be rid of corruption, scandal, bribery and mismanagement? We have had all that since I was born. It gets worse and worse. We survived the few years of Erap, so what's a few years of FPJ? What would change if FPJ won? What? What? Then, it dawned on me. One thing that would disappear; Connections. It happened during the Erap years, it will happen again if FPJ wins. A new clique would appear. A clique that is outside of the present government who will be ruining running things for the country. A gaggle of (I would assume) ignorami that will pretend to understand the idiosyncrasies of running a government.

Everyone is at least three degrees away from someone in power. What if someone new, and not knowledgeable in government comes in. What will happen to those precious titos, titas, kuyas, ates, lolos, lolas, yayas, etc. etc who are in position? Gone. Gone. Gone. Just like during the Erap days. The juicy and powerful positions would be up for grabs. And who will a President give it to but to people he knows and trusts. Does FPJ really know anyone in the present structure, aside from old Erap cronies? And I don't think he's THAT stupid to put them back in. He might? Oh well, same old... same old.. I just got one come back for that: Chavit Singson. Heh? Wah?

Everything will be in chaos. Who will be in charge of what? A former driver? A close friend? Or shudder... the return of Future First Niece Sheryl Cruz?

"It's the economy, stupid".

Yeah, right. But then again, what economy? We haven't had one in ages. Face it people, we have been on auto pilot since the day Cory declared that we will honor all the debts of the administration before her. We hit rock bottom and all we did was bring out a shovel and started digging. How many of you have been checking the Phisix? Know what the current unemployment rate is? How about interest rates? Know it? No? The only reason you check the dollar is because most of you have some and are secretly praying that it goes up so you can exchange it for a higher rate. So, what's the deal with the economy? I'd even bet our news shows don't even know what's what regarding the economy. Try asking them and I'd bet their retort would be is that we should print more money, literally. So, who's following and understanding the goings on of a country's economy except for a few Business clubs. Yeah, BUSINESS Clubs. Business clubs, who are worried about the state of our country? Bet they're more worried who their neighbors would be in the next few years in their protected villages than who my neighbors would be when I can't pay for a living anymore.

"So moron, you're not worried about the crime rate?"

Crime rate?! Crime rate?! Kidnappings are up. Bank robberies are up. Isn't it weird that it's so close to election time? Why, if I had a brain or two, I'd think it's to finance those in power to stay in power. What you call Crime, I call Indirect Fund Raising Projects. How many school shootings have we had? How many serial killings have we had? Tell me, has anyone in your neighborhood been house-robbed? We haven't had a decent Police Protection Program since Jueteng. Now that's the kind of protection that would prevent crime. Donchatink?

All I hear now, is that it's time to pack up and leave the country. Go ahead, leave. I've been there and done that. Lead that well-off, comfortable but boring life. Once old age hits you, make sure you don't come back and pine for the comforts of this wonderful country. Yup, wonderful. I stand corrected, it's way past wonderful. Despite all this, living here in the Philippines is a blast. The only place where people really help one another. Where people are honest enough to pay that jeepney driver their fare even when the driver is oblivious to who paid or not paid. Where we call people who serve us ate, kuya, boss, bossing, sir, manager without feeling inferior. Where we know the people who live around our community and greet each other everyday with smiles. You know what I mean.

I'm here for the show, baby. And I'm riding it up to the end.

I'm babbling. I know. So what's your point oh-so-knowledgeable-pure-kind-concerned jobert? Want FPJ to win? Want to drag all of us down to an all time low? Are you not concerned about your kids? What's up with you? Have you suddenly had a lobotomy cocktail?

My answer to all that? No. All I'm saying is that this is our system. If an action star can run and be voted in to office by a majority, I say that is democracy in action.

If our country really flounders like a goldfish out of it's bowl with a hungry cat approaching, we've been through that. This time, we don't get shot, arrested or tortured for speaking out. Three years ago, I was broke and down on my luck. I had a family to feed and two kids to send to school. I was down to my last twenty pesos but I managed to fight and win back all that I lost. That is what we are. Fighters. Smiling in the light of oppression. Scratching our heads. Wondering how we got to this but still trudging on.

If a movie actor ruins an already tattered country, then I say that is what we all deserve. Why do we deserve it? Well because we never once thought of EDUCATING the poor masses. We never once thought of TEACHING them what it means to vote because of popularity. We never EMPOWERED them with positions higher than Traffic Enforcer. If these impoverished masses had half of our education, would they vote the same? Education is a privelege here. True story: before I left for the US, a Social Studies teacher I had in high school taught us that the Republican and Democratic Parties are parties. Real Parties. I mean, literally, cocktail, beer, music kind of parties. Now, we are aghast that the majority believe that an actor can run a country? I'm not surprised. I'm amused, but not surprised. EDUCATION. EDUCATION. EDUCATION. That should be the platform of our next President.

But for a small minority (and I'm stretching it here) to dictate the majority, skewed voting reason or not, that is wrong.

At the least, if FPJ wins, we'll have a First Lady who looks good on camera.

I'll leave this with a question: What would you proudly choose? FPJ winning through an honest election. Or an honest competent politician winning by cheating the election. You decide.


I feel the soft velvet cloth on my face
It is life's flowing gown
Riding on the vessel called time
A smile erases my frown

I look up and feel the sun's glowing ray
The heat, melting my heart
Emotions break free and dance
Now my life begins to start

Rejoice I hear voices shout
Until now, you're still a gift
I struggle to find the sound
My arms to heavy to lift

But I remember life's velvet gown
How it turned my smile from a frown
And then I feel relieved
That I have truly lived.

23 November 2003


I'll be incommunicado for a few days. I'm moving my computer and stuff so I'll be sans connection during this time. Don't worry, I'll try and blog from work. I read the post below, so I think I'll be safe...

During the time, might I suggest you visit some of the links on the right left, i mean, left. Mighty good stuff over there.

How Not to Get Fired Because of Your Blog

"Do you blog at work? Do you check your referrer logs and surf the blogosphere all day from your office? Do you think it might be funny to mock your co-workers publicly, or that it could be a good idea to post photos of sensitive corporate information on your blog? If only Blogger Support could have reached this unfortunate Blogger sooner. Folks, this doesn't have to happen to you."

First, it's mom. Now, it's the boss.

Blogging seems to be a dangerous thing to do these days.

22 November 2003


Well, it's almost five in the morning. As I'm typing this, Gabbi is awake and just playing asleep. She would open her eyes and peek at what I'm doing.

She has this habit of placing her pillow against the wall. 'To make it cold', as she puts it. Once it's 'cold' enough she hugs it again. She does it all night long, ASLEEP!!! Try taking her pillow away and she snaps awake.

Gabbi also wants to blog. Thing is, she has to know how to write first. I think I have to give the two kids some writing primers this weekend. As if I know how to write, right? She keeps reminding me not to smoke. But I'm a forgetful person. I try. I really try. I mean, I quit smoking everyday. I just start again every night.

Lulu on the other hand has just discovered short stories on her own. She even found a site that has a cornucopia full of them. It's called "A Selection of Tales". Do check it out. For some reason, her favorite story is "The Fisherman and His Wife". Grounded as she is, I guess that story is much suitable to her personality.

She wakes up early since she has morning classes. What she does though is she wakes up BEFORE the alarm clock and asks for ten more minutes of sleep. Which is about the time the alarm rings.

Lulu also shares my love for music. She listens to artists like Frank Sinatra, Hootie, Bob Marley, REM, U2, Barenaked Ladies, Aerosmith, and (sadly) F4. Everyday, her song collection just keeps growing. The last one I believe is Johnny Cash's version of 'Bridge over Troubled Water' (?!), and Clapton's 'Tears in Heaven'. She can sing too. I just love listening to her singing. Currently, she's into 'Reflections" from the Mulan cartoon (not the Cristina A. version).

Tess, is the enforcer of the family. She keeps them disciplined, clean, studying; You know, mother stuff. We do have fun together though but one look from her and the two just fall in line. Just tonight, Lulu told us the story of "The Fisherman and his Wife". Gabbi, Tess, and I listened. "A family moment", Gabbi exclaimed. I couldn't have said it better.

Tess mentioned that she has a box of Godiva Chocolate Truffles in the fridge. I think I'll have some before the kids eat it all up. Godiva is their favorite brand of chocolate (at least they have taste).

It's five thirty already. Lulu and Tess are sound asleep. I'm blogging. And Gabbi is still awake.

It's Saturday already and we'll probably go to the budget mall (that's what we call Coastal Mall). Lulu and Gabbi and their National Bookstore. Tess with the clothes stores. And me with my DVDs. It's going to be another family moment.

Seinfeld Scripts

This is a treasure throve! All the Seinfeld scripts from Season One to The Finale of Seaon Nine.

You can also download the full video at that site. Each epidode is around 40mb big. So crank up the broadband, we're burning lines tonight!

(via The J-Walk Blog)

21 November 2003



Just a look?

20 November 2003

World Famous in the Philippines Boutique - BUY MY STUFF!

Woke up this morning and set up myself a Cafepress shop. That's right, you can mozy on over and grab yourself some World Famous in the Philippines stuff.

So, if you want to wake up in the morning drink coffee from a WFP mug, write down your appointments in a WFP journal and rush to work since the WFP clock says your late, go over to the World Famous in the Philippines Boutique!!!

More designs and products to come.

All proceeds from the sale will directly benefit my family.

By the way, if you want to open your own Cafepress shop, make sure to put in "jobert" as your referral code.

19 November 2003


Hmmm... When you go to www.belleloved.com, it takes you to Short Poetry. Me thinks, Belle is gunning for greatness!

Now, if only the template supports Mozilla...

Police Search Michael Jackson's California Ranch

"Police swarmed over pop superstar Michael Jackson's opulent Neverland Ranch, near Santa Barbara in central California, on Tuesday as part of an unspecified criminal investigation, police said..."

I bet Bubbles the Chimp wasn't really cryogenically frozen.

Gay Marriage is ok in Boston

"The highest court in Massachusetts ruled Tuesday that the state cannot deny gay couples there the right to marry..."

What two persons want to do with their lives as long as it's not harmful to anyone is ok by my book. Right, Danton?

Ten Worst Toys for the Season

"...the annual "10 Worst Toys" list unveiled Tuesday by a Boston consumer safety group."

What?! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Electronic Michelangelo's Nunchukus made the list? I wanted those!

Oh well, at least a set of Logitech 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers ain't on the list. Hey Tess. *hint* *hint*

What? Oh yeah... I have to choose between the tuition of the kids, and the speakers.
So does that mean is home learning is ok?

50 Places To See Before You Die

"...we asked you to tell us about the places you think that everyone should see in their lifetime. This is how you voted...

I thought that before we die, we see the ring...

(via The J-Walk Blog)

Highway Calls Toddler

"A 2-year-old woke up, dressed himself, left the house and took a quarter-mile toddle down the street Friday, prompting a sheriff's investigation. Good thing for his family he remembered to take a cell phone..."

If he was here in the Philippines, he would have texted back. Sayang ang load...

(via Disinformation.com)

18 November 2003


So I was talking to Jessica about Friendster and mentioned to her that it would be cooler to have Enemyster. Because you don't know who your friends are but you sure as hell no who your enemies are. She told me to register it quick and all.

Well, well, well. Someone beat me to it. There already is an Enemyster. It seems the beta code for it is one of the widely looked for code in the net.

Sigh, gotta wait for it to go public then. Wonder how many enemies I can collect? And the testimonials there? Oooohh.... that'd be juicy!

Potter Word Substitution

"Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word 'wand' with 'wang' in the first Harry Potter Book... Let's see the results..."

The last quote is a real killer. Trust me.

(via dwlt.net)


Aeroplanes on my Feet is having dinner with his father and friends in a restaurant. Cool Moon

Babbling Point is in a round table discussion about the Filipino contribution to Western comic books. Still sorry about the wrong info on the schedule...

Blackblog has a poll on what Britons believe about Dubya. I believe his a Republican.

cbsmagic intermissed about his slammed book. Note the letter casing.

Clickmomukhamo is in between template designs. I'm between poverty and despair. Where exactly, it's a bit to the right of flailing pathetically.

Cranial Cavity is admiring the e-vote system down under. Their secret? Vegemite. Better than WD-40, or so I hear.

Gabriela's Crib came across an article on blogging. Blog, baby, blog.

Lockload is admiring the form that is the Human Body. I don't think mine is. Human.

Balisawsaw has an article about a Fil-Canadian's hope for the Philippines. How about FPJ for the Philippines?

Megastina found out that Pipit is an english word. I think it means to shut up. Intonation, baby, intonation.

Nitro hopes that cellphone numbers become personal property. Retain numbers while switching providers? I have problems trying to retain my cellphone!

Schadenfreude has ten reasons not to watch foreign stars in concert here in the Philippines. I only have one; no money.

Short Poetry has two weeks old haikus. Update, baby, update.

As for me, I was late for the radio show. I'll be back there next week. Now that I know what time it starts. Really important information if you're to guest in one.

Bus Slams Into Local Chowking

"An Admiral Transportation bus...slammed into the side of a Chowking food chain branch at the Metropolitan Park along President Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard"

Maybe the driver was hungry?

All together now: Chow Chow Chow, Chowking... POW!

UP disowns study on Malabon water

"...Rafael Alunan III, president of Maynilad Water Services Inc., hit the FDC for misleading the public regarding the true situation in Malabon...."

Somehow, I remember Governor Tarkin from Star Wars. Don't know why, but I do.

40 best directors

The 40 best directors. Don't know half of them half as much as I would like. Well... more than half. I mean, Abbas Kiarostami?

So, where's The Fifth Element dude, Luc Besson? Oh right... directors. Not movies. Got keep that in mind.

(via The Presurfer)

Movie Poop Shoot - Mail Shoot

Hey there Budjette, wanna drool together... Oh by the way, I checked your site. Yup you did say the radio show starts at 9pm. I wonder how I got the idea it's at 10?

Personal Cell Phone Jammer

"This cell phone jammer looks just like a cell phone and is ideal for use when commuting on the bus and train or when eating in restaurants etc, anywhere where you need effective control at close quarters!"

Cue music: Jammin' by Bob Marley

Can't wait to have one of these when LOTR: Return of the King comes out. Oh wait, Saruman ain't there no more... dang.

(via The J-Walk Blog)

17 November 2003

weebls stuff

Here's a whole bunch of entertaining flash animations.


Two years ago, I was supposed to act in a play of my cousin. I was given two parts and basically could have done anything with it. So I did an indian and A surfer dude. Attended the rehearsals, I had all the lines down, everyone loved what I did with it. But I had some personal problems that time and I pulled out.

Met my cousin a couple of days ago. We started talking and I mentioned I had a play I was writing. She loved it. Now I have to finish it and maybe she might set it up next year. And I mean, next year.

Got my fingers crossed.

Thing is, I might have to take some time off this blog.

Homeless gain address on the internet

"...The centre's dozen volunteers will show homeless people how to create email accounts and personal websites...."

They don't have a place to live, but they can blog about it!

They hardly eat, but they're sure to receive spam everyday.

16 November 2003

International Children's Digital Library

"The International Children's Digital Library (ICDL) is a 5-year research project to develop innovative software and a collection of books that specifically address the needs of children as readers. Interdisciplinary researchers from computer science, library studies, education, art, and psychology are working together with children to design this new library. With participants from around the world, the ICDL is building an international collection that reflects both the diversity and quality of children's literature. Currently, the collection includes materials donated from 27 cultures in 15 languages."

If you have kids, this is a wonderful site to go to. Lots of wonderful books to check out and read together. The books are scanned page by page, and the experience you share with the kids is enjoyable. Truly a family web ummm.... experience. Highly recommended.

Be warned though, the site requires at least a DSL connection. For regular dial up users, there is a basic site.

POWs: The Buck Stops Here

"Capt. Dale Storr was so tired of being beaten that he hoped his Iraqi captors would simply kill him. But Storr, an Air Force pilot who’d been shot down during the 1991 gulf war, managed to survive 33 days as a prisoner of war....Now the White House is trying to throw out the POWs’ whole case against Iraq—a move the POWs believe will wipe their torture out of the lawbooks...."

All Because of money. And you think Dubya's aware of this? If so, what kind of message do you think he is sending to the troops?

This one's a real morale buster.

Blogger Sued over Reader Comment

Ack! Ack! Ack!

Is this harrasment or what?! This blogger is being sued by a company because of a comment left by a visitor to the site. Good thing he or she is a lawyer.

(via Cranial Cavity)

15 November 2003


The Austin Power Dance Page, The Ferris Bueller Dance Page (my favorite), The Forrest Gump Dance Page, The Jerry Maguire Dance Page and many more. Do check it out!

With a repeating soundtrack and characters from the movie dancing to it. This is one site that is a virtual timehole. Oh and you can email them to friends as a virtual dance card.

Baguio: City of Shadows

"The world is changing. Elves and goblins ride the bus. Dragons haunt the deserted alleys of the city. The modern world is in the midst of a transformation and people are not aware of it. Magic has suddenly become very real, and creatures that were once found in fairy tales and nightmares are now walking in the streets...How did this happen? According to Madam Marilyn, spiritualist and self-proclaimed visionary, the walls of reality have become thinner...."

With this, starts an email campaign (not unlike Dungeons and Dragons) about paranormal activities set in Baguio City. Entries are made by the characters just like an online diary.

Somehow, this kind of solves my Buffy fix.

Badger Badger Badger

This is one of the weirdest websites I have seen. You just can't stop staring at the screen and sing along with it.

After awhile, you're not even sure if it's irritating or addicting.

a snake!...a snake!...it's a snake!... a snake!


Now I'm hungry.

Put A Threat Advisory Sticker On Your Web Site

Man Drowns Self in Cesspool Over Missing Bike

"DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - A Tanzanian who thought his boss's bicycle had been stolen while in his care killed himself by diving into a cesspit -- only for a friend to return the bike a little later, a newspaper said Thursday."

Well, I for one think the guy kind of overreacted a bit.

Filipino Students Prove Qur'an Recitation Skills

"JEDDAH, 15 November 2003 - Participants at the 7th annual Qur'an reading competition held at the Philippine Consulate General on Thursday night excelled in performance and recitation skills...Abdulhakim M. Mawalo, from Lanao del Norte and a student in Egypt, won the first prize scoring all 100 points..."

Dumb Stunts, Smart Show

"...the entertaining new Discovery Channel weekly series “Mythbusters.” The concept is simple: a pair of curious and resourceful science guys wander the country road-testing the urban legends we’ve all heard and wondered about. Can a penny thrown off the top of a tall building kill someone at street level? (Answer: no.) If a flammable substance is flushed down a toilet, will a carelessly discarded cigarette blow up the bathroom? (Again, no.) Can you safely relieve yourself on the electrified third rail of the subway train? (We haven’t seen this one yet, but the suspense is overwhelming.)"

Can't wait for this debut over here at Discovery Asia.

Google puts coders to the test

"Jimmy Mardell, 25, of Stockholm, Sweden, was announced the winner Friday of Google's second annual Code Jam. He beat out more than 5,000 of the world's top programmers who signed up to compete in Google's contest to solve coding problems on deadline."

I think one of the coding problem is to isolate and search for the real Paris Hilton porn tape.

What to do if your Mom discovers your blog...

"Do you blog about stuff that you would never tell your Mom? Does your Mom surf the web? Don’t panic, we've got answers. Deleting your blog and abandoning your loyal readers is a last resort and should only be undertaken under dire circumstances. Our experts here at Blogger Support have come up with a list of suggestions to help you navigate around the dreaded “Mom Scenario” (or prevent it altogether). "

The tips are useful but are kind of restrictive in churning out your oh-so-precious-life-moments. If you think about it, there's no doubt thats one reader that DOES care what you write about. I'm definitely sure about it.


"If you like real insects, you would love virtual insects because you can see them big without a microscope. Virtual insects are clean and have no smell, they will not bite or sting you. And some times they look even better than real insects."

If you have kids, they would definitely enjoy this site. It requires Quicktime to view the 3D Insects in action. I'm having problems with the VRML files though...

Why Personal Websites Matter

"...since I started my website, I have discovered that a personal website is not about putting private information online. It is about making available information/opinions that a person finds interesting, and in the process, indirectly documenting his/her interests, opinions, skills, and personality"

Or not.

BBC- Doctor Who - Scream of the Shalka - Episode One


Pardon me but this is better for me than that five minute Star Wars thing on TV.

If you want to know what Doctor Who is about saunter over and watch this flash animation. It's basically the debut of the Ninth Doctor (Richard Grant). Can't wait to watch Part Two.

14 November 2003

The Bush Rape Story : Is the Media Ignoring Zippergate 2?

"President Bush is being accused of rape. This allegation is part of a lawsuit filed by a Texas woman, Margie Schoedinger. According to the complaint filed on December 3rd in Fort Bend County, Texas..In her lawsuit, Schoedinger is asking for $50 million for "emotional distress, loss of freedom and ability to pursue Plaintiff's own dreams, alienation of affection from Plaintiff's spouse, loss of privacy, being disparaged on the Internet, and loss of Plaintiff's ability to be a Christian writer..."

Yeah... $50 Mil, that's the christian thing to do. Plaintiff should also add the inability to distinguish fantasy from reality.

But in a weird turn of events:

Woman Who Filed Sex Suit Against Bush Dead.

I'm not making this up!!!! Is there something here then?

How Lego Bricks are made

Ever wonder how they make those tough little bricks that just ends up everywhere from the couch to your drawer? Here's an animated guide.

(via The Mortuary Portal)


Blogger Belle has jumped from the electronic medium to the printed page! A master ummm... Haikuer and poet, her works are now part of an anthology of haiku's. Check out this site for details on ordering the book.

Want to see her work? Mozy on to Short Poetry and immerse yourself with words that jump out the screen and twiggle your emotions. Twiggle? Is that even a word? Should copyright that...

"Haiku and color illustrations that'll touch your soul, afford you an intimate glimpse into the spirit and soul of nature.

~ * ~


River Man Publishing House in Sweden
is pleased to announce
its newest book of haiku entitled,
an esthetic collection of haiku
by selected members of the online haiku community


I would like to thank Paris Hilton and Rick Solomon for doubling the daily hits for my site.

Oh yeah, did I mention porn tape? I mean Paris Hilton's porn tape. The one she had with Rick Solomon.

I'm just ribbing. For stills (pictures) and gasp (!) downloads of the real Paris Hilton tape, check this site out. And do understand that the Hilton's have come out and threatened legal action to those who do posses a copy.

And yes, we did it first with the Dumaguete Scandal. Aren't any of you tired of that 'we did it first' tirade. Dude, that's getting old real quick.

I foresee, I'll be getting more hits soon.


See that link on the left that says "Translate This Site"?

Well if you click on that link, it will translate this whole site to either French, German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. Yup! After reading cbs and jet about this language, I got curious and added the Portuguese link.

What's cool about this translate link is after translating the site to any of the five languages available, it will continue translating all subsequent links you click. Therefore, if you want to check out cbs' or jet's blog in Portuguese just click on their link.

As for translatinig this to my native Tagalog, sorry. All I got is an online Tagalog dictionary down on the Tools Section.

I wonder if I can have this translated to Swahili?

13 November 2003


If time permits (I work nights, remember?), I'll be guesting on Jessica Zafra's Twisted this Monday at 10pm. Tune in to NU 107. From what I know, you can catch it over the web at the NU 107 website

US denies Nida Blanca murder suspect extradition

"U.S. Magistrate Gregory Hollows ruled the Philippines government did not provide adequate evidence to justify the return of Roger Lawrence Strunk, 63, a former recording artist and small-time movie actor known as Rod Lauren...Kravitz said Strunk loved his wife of more than 20 years and would die in jail if he was sent back to the Philippines..."

Are our jails that bad?

And who approved Strunk for leaving anyway? Better remember this if Erap or his cronies leave too.

Keeping Watch for Interstellar Computer Viruses

"Add one more worry to the computerized world of the 21st century. Could a signal from the stars broadcast by an alien intelligence also carry harmful information, in the spirit of a computer virus? Could star folk launch a 'disinformation' campaign -- one that covers up aspects of their culture? Perhaps they might even mask the 'real' intent of dispatching a message to other civilizations scattered throughout the Cosmos..."

Didn't Jeff Goldblum's character do this in Independence Day?

AIDS Vaccine Fails In Thailand

So ummm... how did they test the vaccine. Did they tell the 2500 test subjects to go willy nilly and see if they contract the disease or not?

And I noticed that the test subjects used were Asians.

Beer is Healthy?

"Dark beer is rich in flavenoids which have powerful anti-oxidant effects, combating the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, said Professor John Folts, director of the Coronary Thrombosis Research Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin. Light-coloured beers, such as lagers, lacked the same health-giving punch..."

So if you see me over at Bargo Malate drinking a Cervesa Negra tonight, you know why. Is Cervesa Negra guiness? Or is it still lager beer?

Rings director cuts wizard scenes


They're cutting off Saruman from LOTR:Return of the King!!!! If so, are they changing the whole Scouring of the Shire chapter? What's up with that? We don't get to see Grima....

If you think about it, Tom Bombadil didn't even get one second.

12 November 2003

TIME Magazine: Coolest Inventions 2003

Here it is, Time Magazine's Coolest Inventions for 2003. One question though? Itunes Music Store? Is that even an invention? It's more like an exclusive online bargain store to me.

Top 10 Search Terms

The Lycos 50(TM) Top 10 Search Terms for the Week Ending November 8, 2003

1) Prince Charles
2) KaZaA
3) Britney Spears
4) The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions
5) Christmas
6) Pamela Anderson
7) NFL
8) Paris Hilton
9) Brooke Burke
10) Clay Aiken

Notice that people are searching for Christmas on the Net?

Oh and this is sure to generate a bit of traffic to this site. ;)

Virus and Worms Celebrate their 20th Birthday Anniversary

"This week computer viruses celebrate 20 years of causing trouble and strife to all types of computer users. US student Fred Cohen was behind the first documented virus that was created as an experiment in computer security..."

I guess Anti Virus Companies are celebrating this day. For without the virus, where would all of them be?

Smith & Wesson - Model 500

Introducing the Smith & Wesson Model 500. The most powerful Production Revolver in the World Today. The gun loads a 500 SW Magnum Cartridge (that's a .50 caliber magnum bullet) and has a capacity of 5 rounds.

"How Blogs Work"

A very fun and informative primer on blogs.

Want to know the one thing that all blogs have in common? Go check out the site

(via The J-Walk Blog)

11 November 2003


Ever notice that uprisings are getting more violent but protesters are getting smaller? The less people involved the braver the cops the more resolved the action is.

EDSA: Tons of people, no guns, no shooting but there's dancing and singing. Usually more than a day.

Oakwood: A group of people, with guns. Bomb laying. Lot's of picture taking. Less than a day.

NAIA: Two people, with guns, shooting. Two dead. A couple of hours

What's next? One person, a nuclear bomb, a lot dead, in a couple of minutes?

Does anyone feel like I do? Like we're Alice stuck in Nowhere Land? Looking for our Yellow Submarine? Is this frustration I feel? Exasperation? Maybe resentment...

Is it right for me to feel that we should have a proper revolution? One where we can cleanse the ranks of the slime and smut that's been festering our country for the longest time? It's been a long time since someone in power has been punished for breaking the law (Congressman Almonte, Cong. Jalosjos, Mayor Sanchez, etc. And who, at this point, are in jail surrounded with country club like facilities.)

Where is justice now? Oh right. I forgot, even the Supreme Court is not even spared of a few irregularities. Real or perceived.

If we believe everything, then we have politicians who has only the betterment of our country in mind, megacompanies that only exists to serve our countrymen, and countrymen who strive to help one another. Man! I can smell that bull a mile away.

No wonder there are a lot of churches and choice of religion around. All we can do is pray. Well, actually, pray or blog about it.


I agree with Lord Foo's opinion on Noli's endorsement by ABS-CBN.

But then again, even Darth Vader didn't run the empire.

6th Philippine Web Awards Winners

(Special Award) Most Popular Site of the Year: webtv.angdatingdaan.net...

OK so most of the winners are fine and dandy but what would be the qualification for THIS special award? Most popular? I just heard about it now. Anyway, I'll saunter over there and see if I get converted.

I would assume Inq7 would be more popular than that one.

10 November 2003


Website that validates whether or not a personality is annoying or not. The site ummm... cites why the person is annoying but at the same time why he or she isn't (annoying, that is).

Here's a sample: PARIS HILTON

The Resume

(February 17, 1981- )
Daughter of Richard Hilton and Kathy Richards
Have a huge trust fund

Why she might be annoying

The Hilton Sisters' website tagline goes: 'They're young and sinfully gorgeous with multimillion-dollar trust funds, and their families are household names.'
Paris' favorite movie is 'Zoolander.'
Paris has been linked romantically with actors such as Leonardo Di Caprio and Edward Furlong.
Besides being a Hilton heiress with wild antics, she has no other claim to fame.
She has a reputation of pushing her way to the front of long lines to use the bathroom.
In 2000, she made an amateur porn tape with Rick Solomon (Shannen Doherty's current husband) that recently leaked out to the public. Her parents immediately released a statement that concluded: 'Anyone in any way involved in this video is guilty of criminal activity, and will be vigorously prosecuted' (November 2003).

Why she might not be annoying

She has a great relationship with her sister, Nicky.
Despite her fortune, she graduated high school.
She enjoys life and going partying as often as possible.
She loves to be photographed.

AllBrand.nu PicturePoster


Need a site that would host your images for your blog? Want a place that you can keep your picture gallery? Well, mozy on over to AllBrand.nu. It's absolutely free! Currently, there's an unlimited amount of disk space to use, the only limit is in bandwidth allocated each day.

What ever is happening happened to Limp Bizkit limpbizkit?

So, is this true? I loved that band before. Granted, their style is a bit dated already. Hopefully they get out of their slump, clean up their act and evolve.

Fun & Games

It's almost Christmas and I guess I have to think of what to give to my daughters. Gabbi wants a stuffed toy, a pony to be precise. As well as a Make Up Kit for kids. Guess who she wants to be her model... *sigh*

Lulu wants a Spirited Away book (she adores that movie) and a Barbie Video Cam. Ummm... You think I can pass of my webcam as a Video cam? I'll just put it inside a Barbie Box.

I'm thinking of getting myself surround sound speakers. I guess Lulu and Gabbi can sacrifice their wishes for their father....

NTT DoCoMo to Introduce P505iS: World's First Auto-Focus Camera Phone

"The P505iS is the second handset model released in the new 505iS series, a series of five PDC (2G) i-mode(R)-capable mobile phones featuring mega-pixel cameras. The model's 1.28 mega-pixel CCD camera is equipped with auto-focus for sharp, clear photos."

Another camera phone hybrid. Come to think of it, we are so camera obsessed now that we take pictures of the most trivial thing. Next thing you know, we'll lose the ability to remember and reminisce since everything is always available at a touch of a finger.

Don't get me wrong. Pictures aid us in remembering moments. But not moments that are just five minutes ago. I mean, is it right to take a picture of what you had in a restaurant awhile ago?

Countering `death by PowerPoint'

"We've all been there, sitting in some dark, airless space, straining to keep our eyes open during a presentation that drones on and on. A screen glows with a seemingly endless series of slides and charts, bullet points and words streaking and spinning round. But it's all in vain. Befuddled by the barrage of information, you fail to glean anything of use. The presentation ends, the lights come up, and you stumble away in a haze, thirsty for comprehension....Since Microsoft released its first version of PowerPoint 16 years ago, some 400 million copies have been installed around the world, and experts figure the software is employed in ...some 30 million presentations each day."

A brief article on Powerpoint, it's use, and some tips.

Mystery Weapon disables 69 Ton M1 Abrams Tank

The white piece of paper in the photo above covers where the tanks armor was penetrated.

"Shortly before dawn on Aug. 28, an M1A1 Abrams tank on routine patrol in Baghdad “was hit by something” that crippled the 69-ton behemoth....The hole was so small that “my little finger will not go into it,” the report’s author noted."

Hmmm... Is this a new weapon by the Iraqis? Whatever it is, after boring into the tank, knocked out the systems and ended up on the opposite side of the tank.

Until now, the U.S army don't know what it is and are "excited" to find out.

To find out more about the M1 Abrams Tank, mozy on over to the Fed of American Scientists site.

More pictures of the damage can be seen at this site




See that skin whitener commercial where a bunch of guys on a date with this woman, on seperate occasions of course. And they tell her that they hate dark underarms? And this lady then is embarrassed to show hers? Now what is the story there? Primarily what is her story? And why the comment about the underarm? I have three explanations here. Pick one.

1. She is going out on a date. But that still doesn't address the underarm thing. Dates, and I am assuming these are first time dates, don't really start out with conversations about underarms.

2. She is applying for a job. And it's an interview. But, again, no explanation for the underarm. Except if she's applying to be a model, dancer, or guest relations officer. But are those guys really HR material to conduct interviews?

3. She's a prostitute and the guys are her clients.


"The year was 1947 when the late Mars Ravelo and illustrator Nestor Redondo created Philippines first comics flying avenger Varga, for Bulaklak comics / magazine. Varga was, in all things but name, the woman we now know as Darna. She stood up for the weak, battling common criminals as well as evil in superhuman form. But Varga belonged to Bulaklak magazine, and when Ravelo left Bulaklak in 1949 after a falling out with its editor, Varga stayed behind...."

Random Kitten Generator

Random pictures of over a hundred images of kittens.

09 November 2003

Women of the Philippines:

"...You will no doubt be surprised and pleased to learn that the condition of women in the Philippines is very different from that of the women of any country in the East, and that it differs very little from the general condition of the women of this country. Mentally, socially, and in almost all the relations of life, our women are regarded as the equals of our men. You will also be surprised to know that this equality of women in the Philippines is not a new thing. It was not introduced from Europe, but was innate, and the natural expression of the love and respect which a man ought to feel toward his mother, his wife and his daughters. And I believe there is no country in the world where family life is held in higher esteem, or where there is more respect for family relations than in the Philippine Islands..."
Clemencia Lopez
May 29, 1902.

OK now, that was 1902!!!

Silly Questions - Philippine style!

I'm a frustrated standup comic. I can't really make it here as one since our version of standup is either gay humor or slapstick. Anyway, here are some of my material I use with friends. Comments are highly appreciated.


How come when having halo-halo, no matter how you try and finish up those mongo beans, there's always more left?

Why do we call it color coding? It's not based on color. It's based on numbers. And heck! They're not even coded.

Why were there no dinosaurs in the Philippines? And no, I wasn't talking about Ople.

"Look at your eyes, you're tired." How do we look at our eyes?

Why are there no serial killers in the Philippines?

Why is it that when you sing with a group of people it just doesn't come out the way you sing it when you're alone.

Is there a really cool way to drink something thru a straw while smoking?

Why do we drink coffee at the end of a night out?

Why is it that when we commit something bad, it's called a sin. When a priest does the same thing, they're 'misguided'.

A homosexual males are generally called gay. Why do we call homosexual females dikes? Couldn't they just be called melancholy.

What do boogers smell like?

Ever had a sandwich in a Chinese restaurant?

Does Brother Eddie ever sweat? Isn't that polyester he's wearing? During summer?!

Why do we pronounce twenty as t-way-n-tee?

Is anyone named Paquita anymore?

Why do people do their groceries in 7-11?

Why are females obsessed with skin whiteners? Is it because of Michael Jackson?

Why do automated answering systems ask you your choice of language (English or Tagalog) in English?

Why is it cheaper to buy a ham and cheese sandwich if you just buy the bread and order extra ham and extra cheese in most restaurants?

Or, while I'm at it, why is calamansi juice free if you ask for the water, sugar and calamansi separately?

Why does it take longer to prepare regular coffee in Starbucks?

Who drinks beer at Wendy's? Granted, I haven't been there in awhile but the last time I was there, they still had beer. Was Wendy a GRO?

During speeches, why do politicians speak like they have something up their butt?

Minor's can't buy cigarrettes, but they can sell them!

In some offices, why do people line up at the Bundy Clock at 4:30 to punch out at 5:00? Is there an offense if you punch out later than 5?

When you order in Dairy Queen, aren't you offended when they turn over the cup in front of you before they give it to you? I told them once to do it when I ordered a coke.

Why do we call coffee cream, a creamer? It's like calling sugar a sugarer.

 iPad Accessories

Aren't there any exchange gifts that aren't 'long and hard', 'soft and moist'? I'm waiting for one that's 'expensive and useful'.

Why are there right handed leftists?

Why is it that the first thing we do when we buy a VCR, VCD or DVD is to collect all the James Bond movies?

Since they have banned utensils in airplanes, shouldn't Kamayan enter the airline catering service?

Why are there shoe prints in toiletbowls? They lock themselves in the cubicle and had to climb out?

Why are soldiers taught to march? I never saw marching done during a battle? It's not like breakdancing, you know.

How come we measure pants by wrapping it around our necks? Can't we just try it on?

Why do they put Skittles in the chocolate section?

Can anyone split those fastfood chopsticks straight down the middle?

Why do those picture taking sessions during weddings take longer than the wedding itself?

Why do people look at the Church door during weddings whenever the priest asks if there's anyone against the marriage? Are they expecting someone to come in?

Why are rapists forgiven when they marry their victims? It's like bank robbers are forgiven if they deposit in the bank.

Why do they serve California Maki in Japanese restaurants?

Are there sperm banks in the Philippines? It'd be a good idea to place them near KTVs.

You know the Philippines is in trouble when you see three people crowded around an ATM machine trying to figure out how to make it work.

Do they still allow hunting knives in boyscout overnights? Why?

Why is Goodah open 25 hours? Do they close on the 26th?

If I ever see a "Bring Me" game in a children's party, I will definitely lose it. It's always bring me your mother, one peso coin, cellphone, etc. etc. I'd probably earn alot selling a 'Bring Me' game kit. Think about it, your kid will definitely win all the time and no more searching!

Why do people put '1st honor in Grade 1' in their resume's?

What ever happened to those Vicks inhalers?

Why do people put white out on errors on reports written in yellow paper?

Why do old people shout on telephones? Specially during long distance calls? Do they want to be heard even without the phone?

Why is it that the first thing they do when you check into a hospital is to dextrox (sp?) you?

During police operations, why are the kibitzers closer to the crime than the cops themselves?

Why do market vendors call you 'suki' even you only met them then?

Why do GROs call you kuya even if you're not related?

Why do most police assets look like goons?

Why do FX taxi's still have a meter?

Why do fastfood chains have five cash register and only hire one cashier?

Why are there no ATMs near police stations?

Why are womens underwear decorated?

Why do we spend ten minutes waiting for a sidecar to ride in to go to a place that just takes five minutes to walk to?

Are there any pretty feminists? remember, sense of humor, sense of humor

How come only winners 'thank God'?

Do showbiz kids really talk like that? You know the voice. It's that monotonous one punctuated with 'po' and 'opo' every sentences. They sound like retards.

Why do we put Vicks on insect bites? So we can breathe better?

Why do some people order a Coke Light with their Quarter Pounder with cheese?

And finally. Want to avoid the long lines in fastfood shops? Just walk up to the drive in counter and order there.

I have a lot more of these. I'll post them some other time.

08 November 2003

Church Sign Generator

(via The J-Walk Blog)

US 'offers Charles Taylor bounty'

"This week President George W Bush signed into law a bill providing funds totalling $87.5bn for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A small clause in that budget appears to indicate that the US is offering the bounty for the former Liberian leader...

I wonder what Liberia have to do with Iraq and Afghanistan? Unless Charles Taylor joined Friendster and is within the network of Usama.

CNN.com - McDonald's not lovin' 'McJob' dictionary definition

"Among some 10,000 new additions to an updated version released in June was the term 'McJob,' defined as 'low paying and dead-end work.'"

So they're really saying the definition for 'McJob' really blows!
he.. he.. he.. *cough* *cough*

The 12 films of Christmas

See the movies that'll be out this Christmas season. 'Nuff said.

And here's the other movies that's also showing within the season.

Swiss bra supports smokers who quit.

"A Swiss-based underwear maker has developed a high-tech bra which it claims will help women quit smoking thanks to perfumed capsules which give cigarettes an unpleasant taste and soothe withdrawal symptoms..."

Yeah. It's called the Tobracco.

Caught in the Rye

"The BBC could face legal action from J D Salinger over its decision to dramatise part of The Catcher in the Rye without his permission...A teenage actor, Jacob Zachar, was asked to perform scenes from the book even though no authorisation had been sought from Salinger, who is notoriously protective of his work and has refused permission to portray his novel on film or on stage. ."

Too bad JD still doesn't want to put his wonderful book on film. I don't blame him.

I remember reading a follow up story about Holden when he's gets older. Phoebe is married to a guy Holden hates. He owns a cat. And still is as lost as ever. It was in a Playboy issue (circa 1990 or something). Salinger didn't write it though.

It goes to show that I do read Playboy for the articles.

New Pearl Jam Song coming!

Shona Yu is gonna love this!

Pearl Jam has a new song coming! It's part of the "Big Fish" movie soundtrack. "Big Fish" is the new Tim Burton movie coming this November.

"...It's one of those movies that comes along every once in awhile and just sticks to you. We all felt that way when we watched it. It makes you want to do things like go call your dad. Or ask that girl out that you've had a crush on. Or visit home. Like any really great story - it has this perfect mix of "what's going to happen next" and "ah, I can totally relate to that" with Burton's unusual and original signature style..." - Eddie Vedder


"...Billed as 'the natural evolution' of the reality-TV boom, Can You Be a Porn Star? will track 28 women as they move, four at a time, into a Los Angeles home and endure a 'gauntlet of interviews, photo shoots, challenges and surprises.' Less this sound a bit too ABC Family Channel, the producers promise the show will be chockfull of 'uninhibited nudity.'
The winner will receive a one-year video contract, $100,000 and all the...

Do you think they'll need judges? I'm volunteering.

07 November 2003

Dog Shoots Man

"PARIS (Reuters) - A French hunter was shot by his dog after he left a loaded shotgun in the trunk of his car with two dogs and one of the animals accidentally stepped on the trigger, police said Wednesday..."

I wonder what will happen to the dog once the guy is released from the hospital? I could see it now; 'Man shoots dog'.


Shrek 2 Movie Trailer? Really?

Yup. Really, really.

Anime Mice.

"Three new mice by a famed Japanese Anime creator offer a touch of design creativity for your desktop. The Masamune Shiro series has a free-form, contoured design with more use of color... "

Man, I wish I could have those for Christmas.

Paris Hilton sex tape leaked

"...The video, shot three years ago, features the hot-blooded hotel heiress and Shannen Doherty's husband, Rick Solomon, in a variety of X-rated activities..."

I foresee a lot of people firing up Kazaa searching for "Paris Hilton Sex Tape". But then again, people might be downloading the French doing the thing in a hotel.

Raging Pistachio Designs

So there I was just surfing the net and I decided to add something to the site. One thing led to another and boom! I ended up redesigning the site.

Got this template from Raging Pistachio Designs which has a bunch of templates for everyone to use. You guys just have to tweak it a bit since it's tailored for Diaryland users.


06 November 2003

Tickle by Emode: IQ and Personality Tests - The Original IQ Test

My IQ according to this site is 131! I'm an Insightful Linguist.

"...you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind..."

Insightful Linguist? How about Broke Father?

(via The J-Walk Blog)


Given up on the Matrix? But still itching to find out what happened knowing that you're still in for a letdown?

Don't fret. Here's the whole story of Revolutions complete with pictures even. Well, this story has been around for awhile but seems to be a plausible story line.

Babes fromt the 80s

Ok, Erin Gray from Buck Rogers, Lynda Carter of Wonder Woman, Pia Zadora, from everywhere... That's just a few of those hot babes from my childhood. Go check out this site for a lot, and I mean a lot of pics of these babes.

Here's one that just drove me crazy years and years ago. It still does now. shhhh... don't tell Tess:

05 November 2003


It's been awhile since I shared anything personal in this blog. Maybe because I got carried away surfing for cool and interesting things. It does eat up a lot of time. And maybe also nothing really interesting has happened lately.

Really, compared to what I scrounge up from the web night after night, it just pales when put alongside my life. Still, it's time for those rare "what about me?" blogs.

Friends ask me what my goal in life is right now. I mean, I wanted to write and I ended up as one of the headwriters for a TV show (Points of View). I wanted to have lots of shoes (a filipino fetish, I might add) and I ended up as Country Manager for a US based shoe company (as much as 29 pairs, at one time!). I wanted to travel, I became a buyer for a Duty Free based company and spent two years stuck in planes. I just want to hang loose and enjoy working, now I end up in a liquor company visiting bars nightly. I have been featured in newspapers, been on radio, and on TV. The phrase Jack of all trades, does spring up. I mean, without boasting or anything, have you met a psychic, retail analyst, tv writer, sales manager, account executive, general manager, encoder, blogger person? I wonder what I'll be doing next?

Now, what is my goal? Let's rephrase it. What is my current goal?

Well, now I have only one. Win the Lottery Jackpot. As Steve Martin said,"One show..., goodbye...". I'm not getting any younger. Really. I have made an impression in all the things I have done and I feel that this time, I just want to step down and relax. And I mean, comfortably relax.

So, enough of this. And enough of me. Let's get back to the regularly scheduled posts....

80's Lyrics Quiz: People are What?

Oooohh.... Better free up some time cause this site is a real time killer! I kid you not!

SO you think you love songs from the 80's do you? You from Generation X? Well see if you can fill in the lyrics from 100 songs and still be confident to say you're from our generation.

ex: You were working as a ________ in a _________ bar.
That's worth four points if you get it! which I did, of course.

Here in the Philippines, you'd get most of it if you hang around live bands, girlie bars, and had that funky hairstyle. Hairstyle you say? Well think, syete for the boys and bangs for the girls. Lots of bangs. And, oh yeah, the brushup.

I got 91 points! Think you can beat that?
And don't forget to put in my website as your referral for bonus points!!!!

(via The Presurfer)


"...Today, the brothers are as infamous for their refusal to do any interviews as their curious mentions in the gossip columns. But in October of 1996, they were talking and I spoke with them;

Josh Horowitz: So what’s next for both of you? What are you working on now?


Larry Wachowski: There’s a science fiction project that we really want to make but it’s very expensive as they keep telling us so we’ll see. Hopefully it will happen....

Hmmm.... a science fiction project... very expensive... I wonder if they ever got to make that movie?

04 November 2003

DC Physics Humor

So you think physicists are all serious about quantum physics, the time hole, and what not. Well this site disproves that. Most of the humor is kind of lost on me and is more geared toward the ummm... physics crowd.

And like the organized people scientists are, the links are grouped by category and alphabetically arranged.

This one is dedicated to Gabriela's Crib

When celebrities attack!

Ever wonder how two celebrities start feuding? Well this article covers some of the well known feuds such as JLO and Gwyneth, Moby and Eminem, Salma Hayek & Courtney Love, Janet Jackson & Madonna, etc.

Here in the Philippines, feuding in showbiz is already part of the routine to gain publicity. It even has bled over to politics.

Oh wait, most politicians are from showbiz anyway. Silly me.

Sounds in Silence: Cassini Eavesdrops on Solar Storms

All of us must have heard the news about the two massive solar flares last week. The Space Probe Cassini recorded the audio of this event and it does sound like a 50s B-Movie special effect.

You can hear the sound (compressed into 15 seconds) here.

Reclaim your brain

"Researchers from the University of California estimate that 800MB of new information is produced and stored each year for every member of the human race...."

Where is the 800MB stored?

92% is information stored on magnetic media. The vast majority is held on computer hard drives as well as audio and video tapes
7.75% is photographs and films
0.03% is on paper, including books, newspapers and magazines - this has increased by 36% since 1999, largely due to people printing computer documents
0.001% Optical storage media such as CDs and DVDs

Web is littered with yesterday's castoffs

"...Despite the Internet's ability to deliver information quickly and frequently, the World Wide Web is littered with deadwood - sites abandoned and woefully out of date."

Yet another article on websites that just stopped updating.

Taking the jolt out of java

"...Starbucks uses methylene chloride (also known as dichloromethane) as a solvent. It's an interesting choice for the wipopular coffee chain, given the public's distrust of the chemical. It's been banned from hairsprays in the U.S., for example, and in high doses has been shown to cause cancer and kidney, liver and reproductive disorders in animals. The chemical can't be used for decaffeination in Japan at all..."

Don't get me wrong, this article traces the origin of decaffenated coffee. But the part above just struck me as interesting.

03 November 2003

The Story of the PING Program

"...Yes, it's true! I'm the author of ping for UNIX. Ping is a little thousand-line hack that I wrote in an evening which practically everyone seems to know about. :-)
I named it after the sound that a sonar makes, inspired by the whole principle of echo-location. In college I'd done a lot of modeling of sonar and radar systems, so the "Cyberspace" analogy seemed very apt. It's exactly the same paradigm applied to a new problem domain: ping uses timed IP/ICMP ECHO_REQUEST and ECHO_REPLY packets to probe the "distance" to the target machine...

More for techies and hackers, it's a brief but informative look on how PING came to be. It even has the source code of the original program.

And no, Ping is not a videogame. You're thinking of Pong.

(via The Mortuary Portal)

Google Tricks and hacks

"... Google.com is undoubtedly the most popular search engine in the world. It offers multiple search features like the ability to search images and news groups.However it's true power lies in it's powerful commands that can be used and misused..."

Cool hacks but somehow after reading it, I was hankering for more. The password hack is kind of unsettling though...

(via The Mortuary Portal)


"...A 'no holds barred' expose of the subtle, sometimes deceptive techniques employed by 'sneaky snake' salespeople to separate you from your money. Forewarned is forearmed; after reading this, you'll at least have a fighting chance to avoid being 'bit'..."

Haven't really come across any of these but then again, forewarned is forearmed.

(via The Mortuary Portal)

Interpreting Friendster Photos

You into Friendster? Well here's a guide into interpreting what their photos mean.

Real interesting and funny.

'Independence Day' Speech Named Cheesiest Movie Moment

Empire’s Top 10 Cheesiest Moments:

1 Independence Day
2 Top Gun
3 The Karate Kid
4 Four Weddings And A Funeral
5 Pearl Harbour
6 Stepmom
7 The Postman
8 An Officer And A Gentleman
9 Patch Adams
10 Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Yet another Nokia cell phone explodes

"A Thai man narrowly escaped serious injury when his mobile phone exploded in his hand, blasting through its leather cover and shattering into pieces..."

I bet that's just a new feature in Nokia phones. You can set it to silent, vibrate, and explode.