It seems that in the Philippine Blogosphere, a definite way to draw hits to your site is to say something about Pinoy Big Brother specially PBB pics.

And it seems that Chx Alcala sexy pictures is the magic term. I'm even confused. Do I post it as Chx Alcala in the buff? Or Chix Alcala birthday suit? It's probably safe to just label it Pinoy Big Brother Chx pics. Looking about, a site seems to be getting it at the sweet spot. He's promising the Sam and Chx compromising pics if he gets a thousand unique hits.

Oh and are you looking for Cass pics from FHM? A site has links to Cassandra Ponti's pics prior to joining Big Brother. But in fairness, Cass' pictures are more raunchier albeit more professional looking. I'd even say it's Cass' pics that are more compromising than Chx Pix.
I wonder if Cass is going to freak when she finds out...
But honestly, I'd like to see more of Angelina Jolie and her tattoos...