18 November 2003


Aeroplanes on my Feet is having dinner with his father and friends in a restaurant. Cool Moon

Babbling Point is in a round table discussion about the Filipino contribution to Western comic books. Still sorry about the wrong info on the schedule...

Blackblog has a poll on what Britons believe about Dubya. I believe his a Republican.

cbsmagic intermissed about his slammed book. Note the letter casing.

Clickmomukhamo is in between template designs. I'm between poverty and despair. Where exactly, it's a bit to the right of flailing pathetically.

Cranial Cavity is admiring the e-vote system down under. Their secret? Vegemite. Better than WD-40, or so I hear.

Gabriela's Crib came across an article on blogging. Blog, baby, blog.

Lockload is admiring the form that is the Human Body. I don't think mine is. Human.

Balisawsaw has an article about a Fil-Canadian's hope for the Philippines. How about FPJ for the Philippines?

Megastina found out that Pipit is an english word. I think it means to shut up. Intonation, baby, intonation.

Nitro hopes that cellphone numbers become personal property. Retain numbers while switching providers? I have problems trying to retain my cellphone!

Schadenfreude has ten reasons not to watch foreign stars in concert here in the Philippines. I only have one; no money.

Short Poetry has two weeks old haikus. Update, baby, update.

As for me, I was late for the radio show. I'll be back there next week. Now that I know what time it starts. Really important information if you're to guest in one.