01 November 2005

Cybercafe chain urges creation of Internet censorship body

"Internet café chain owner Netopia is urging the government to create a censorship body to monitor data flowing through the local Internet infrastructure...
...the proposed Internet regulatory body will not have total control over local Internet loops, but instead prevent pornographic materials from being distributed through local ISPs, which have primary control over the data that travel through their servers...."

So now, the internet will be censored. I hope not. I really f@cking hope not. M@ther F@cker! This is the Philippines. Not China. Not North Korea. M@ther F@cker!

I don't know about you but I can't comment on this without shouting out an expletive or two...

I have to be calm. So first, computer hacking is an act of terrorism. Now the internet is proposed to be regulated and censored. How is this going to happen? I mean let's say blogging. Does it mean that posts with content "deemed pornographic or unfit for filipinos" will be restricted?

The Philippine Government has f@cked up a lot of things. Let's hope they don't do it with the internet.

Fargin Iceholes.