07 September 2003


The rain starts and I stopped.

I walked the path of remembrance
thru the gardens of forget
I picked the fruit of memories
and wallowed in the shores of emotion

How wonderful, remembering
it contorts, convolutes, and yet
it retains the emotions, not physically
but returns you to a time once met

Like that movie, it can be treachery
when things imagined gets set
reality and fantasy not distinguished
always sprinkled in that garden of forget

Honesty and courage is needed
when facing the doorway to regret
Hope and perseverance I look for
once pain and suffering I let

Yesterdays are kept in memories
As todays are the path to life
Tomorrows are the beacons of destiny
Just now I marvel at this insight

I leave the shelter of remembrance
armed with a token of courage
Truth walks along with me, I smile
The only real friend of life

The rain stops and I start.