06 September 2003


Lulu posted a comment that she's number 5 overall (last year, she ended 2 overall). That's ok. What bothers me is that I don't see them often because of my schedule. I come home and they're asleep and when they leave for school, I'm asleep.

I mean, she had to leave a comment on my blog to tell me something! That is whacked!

That comment just hit home. Maybe that's why I'm depressed. Too little family time. Not to sound preachy or anything but we have a very close and tight family life. We respect each other and really have a grand time together. You should see us, we're like The Simpsons, Addams Family and Married with Children all rolled into one. I'm the father. What do you expect?

Yesterday was cool though. I got home early and played with them, talked to them, just like old times. We even have this song.. "Eat the crunchy bacon". And when they sing it, I turn into a monster and start to chop them up into a little pieces and throw them into the "frying pan".

Before they went to bed, ghost even got a chance to meet them, including Tess (webcam). They said hi to her. Lulu even wanted me to get a microphone or something so she can say hi to my chatmates.

But still, weekends and a few moments are just not enough...


Sex Pistols Reunion Concert in the US

"For the most part, it’s a well-mannered crowd. The lights come up as Lydon walks off the stage for the second time (once again brandishing–with no real explanation–a handmade volume titled "The Book of War"). The punks stroll out, and, to their happy surprise, discover Trump Marina has a pizza place open...."

Ok so what's wrong with the review? Punk rock? Well-mannered crowd? Pizza place? The Sex Pistols?

Man, we are getting old.