I get back to Manila and practically the first thing I see is an ad proclaiming coffee as a health drink. WHAT the. It was so disconcerting, the coffee I'd been drinking shot out of my nose.
According to the ad, coffee contains more antioxidants than anything on earth, plus if you buy their brand you support local coffee farmers, seen in the background picking coffee beans in their pink uniforms (the farmers, not the beans).
Coffee?! Healthy?! It's enough to make me swear off caffeine altogether...
After coming back from Sundance and a brief restover in New York, Jessica Zafra is surprised to see an ad extolling the health benefits of coffee. Just barely a month out of the country and she's experiencing culture shock!
Makes me remember McDonalds ad on pregnant women craving for their products.
Maybe the health benefits can mostly be seen in the fat wallets of these companies...