"...Philippines, Republic of the (in Filipino, Republika ng Pilipinas), island republic in the western Pacific Ocean, within the Malay Archipelago, an island grouping that extends southward to include Indonesia and Malaysia. The Philippines comprises more than 7,100 islands, but the 11 largest islands form most of the country’s land area. The mountainous terrain includes many active volcanoes. The location of the Philippines just north of the equator gives the country a moderate tropical climate suited for the cultivation of export crops such as coconuts and pineapples. Agriculture has long formed the backbone of the economy. After World War II (1939-1945) the Philippines was one of the first nations of Southeast Asia to try to industrialize its economy. It subsequently lagged behind most of its Asian neighbors in economic development. Manila, located on east central Luzon Island, is the national capital and largest city. The republic’s cultural institutions, industries, and federal government are concentrated in this rapidly growing metropolitan area...."This is one real in-depth article about the Philippines. It covers the culture, religion, geography and even covers it's history. If you plan to visit the Philippines, this is the one-stop read for you.
So if you want to know a little more about the Philippines, mozy on over to this Microsoft Encarta site and start delving. This is the site to go to if you have any research paper or homework about the Philippines.
Too bad it doesn't have pictures or any tourist tips on famous places in the Philippines.