10 October 2005

Palace: Anti-terror bill cognizant of human rights

"Malacanang said yesterday the proposed anti-terrorism bill is cognizant of human rights compared to similar laws in other countries and has enough safeguards to protect the innocent from abusive authorities.

Undersecretary Ricardo Blancaflor of the Palace’s Anti-Terrorism Task Force also said the proposed measure does not infringe on a person’s right to free expression, assembly or association and it would not be used against the political opposition..."
Yeah! I mean, we're in the Philippines. Who would abuse the law for personal gain here? Those oppositionists don't know what they're talking about.
Our Government is so "cognizant" of human rights. Our history proves it. I mean, remember those three people facing sedition charges for pasting anti GMA posters? Those people got what they deserve!