18 September 2003

Quentin Tarantino - He brought back Travolta. He revived Pam Grier. Can he resuscitate himself? By Chris Suellentrop

Quentin Tarantino

He brought back Travolta. He revived Pam Grier. Can he resuscitate himself? By Chris Suellentrop

I do hope Mr T nails KILL BILL. I am a big fan of his and his story from video clerk to uber-cult director is something. Here's an excerpt from that article (his describing the tension between a man and a woman, total strangers, walking in a city street where the man is walking behind the woman:

"...Is this guy going to do something? What's going on here? They're feeling it. And guys feel it too. I feel it. And I'm like, Hey, I'm just walking down the street. I just happen to be going the same way. I'm walking behind this woman, and she's thinking I'm a rapist. And now I'm feeling guilty for being a rapist when I haven't fucking done anything. So now I'm feeling guilty and feeling a little angry because I'm minding my own business. Like, I'm sorry I'm walking behind you. And she's thinking, Why the fuck can't I just walk down the street? All of a sudden there's this tension and anger about nothing."

They say he's full of himself but I've read and met people more fuller of themselves than he is and they act fuller than him... ummm... am I making sense here?

You know why I know QT is God? MIRA SORVINO

humina humina humina