29 September 2003


I'll be starting a regular (I hope) Monday comics link to my favorite comic strips for the week. This is courtesy of www.ucomics.com, Tapestry.net and Wildgrape NewsDesk, My RSS Aggregator. Plus with the RSS feed, you get to view the archives in order without having to click on each and every link.

Adam@Home: It's so close to being a father and a husband.

Get Fuzzy: Get Fuzzy is now my personal favorite. It's humor (well, to me at least) is fresh and ummm... funny.

Calvin and Hobbes: 'nuff said.

I'm trying to get permission to post the actual strips on my site so in the meantime, I can only post the links to it. I do hope you understand.

All comics are courtesy of www.ucomics.com