24 August 2003

Metaphilm - Fight Club

Jumping the Gun

What a wierd blog experience.

I was over at cbs' blog when Calvin and Hobbes was brought up. I was thinking of posting my idea about Calvin and Hobbes and how it seems to connect to the movie Fight Club, The Narrator and Tyler Durden.

So, with the cat out the bag, I thought of writing it down now. Research on it and I was psyched to do a damn good post! Next thing I know, someone has already posted a similar thing! And his was light years better than how I would have done it!!!!

Here's a sample:

"...Flash forward to the timeframe depicted in Fight Club. Calvin/Jack has reached an all-time low. He has done everything society has told him to do but is completely void of happiness. Hobbes, newly adjusted as "Tyler Durden" (after all, grown-up Calvin would no longer accept a jungle animal walking, talking, and eating canned tuna), re-enters Calvin/Jack’s life, determined to show Calvin everything he’s done wrong, whether he likes it or not."

Anyway, the whole article is can be read by clicking this link.

As my newly found post-modernist friend Ghost would say, it's not the author but the idea that is important!