26 August 2003


Movie actor is running for office.
Massive brownout plunges city into total darkness.
Country in heightened terrorist alert.
Small private plane crashes into house.
Singer/Actress has reconciled with actor boyfriend, wedding to proceed.
Indegenous Natives (??) questioning government over missing land fund.

So, do all these sound familiar? Well, if a third of filipinos can be heard, this is a popular comment these days in the Philippines; that the US is following the footsteps of our country. At first glance, these headlines do sound very filipino. And being one, filipino that is, I'm already tired of hearing it from everyone who has the ability to speak. Speak, yes but think? Anyway, ok, ok. I get it. Everyone gets it. Strike that. Everyone already GOT it.

But should we be proud of it? Amused?

Are we happy that our little idiosynchrisies ummm... habit thingys are now seeping into other nations/cultures?

I would be more elated if it was the opposite.

Actually, hopefully we don't assimilate all. They could leave behind Oprah, Liberals (I don't disagree with them, but being filipino and a liberal at the same time is a dangerous thing! Believe me!), and oh yeah... Michael Bolton.