30 August 2003

Lyrics: Frank Sinatra - One For My Baby


"You'd never know it
But buddy i'm a kind of poet
And i've got a lot of things i want to say
And when i'm gloomy, won't you listen to me
Till it's talked away..."

Old Blue Eyes can really get you in that mood.

It's 5am and this song is playing while I'm writing this blog.

Lulu and Gabbi are sound asleep.

Tess got up and turned off the TV, gave me a smile and went back to sleep.

I'm in front of the computer drinking coffee (Tess makes sure my thermos is full every night). It's spiked with Amarula and man, it's good.

The sun is about to shine, Frankie belting it like no one else can, two wonderful kids, a loving and super understanding wife, and a blog to record it in history (my personal history, that is).

It can't get any better than this.