08 August 2003



Al-Ghozi fellow escapee killed in Lanao: military: Why am I not surprised?

Ex-president says gov't has no one to blame but itself: Ex-president might need an eye operation: he's blinded by the obvious.

DOJ on coup charges:Double jeopardy: Coup plotters Mutineers, as I understand it, believed Honasan. They even trusted the Philippine Government. Not very bright, are they? Personally, I wouldn't trust government as far as I can spi... ummm... pay them.

3 soldiers killed in NPA attack: So whose bullets where used?

Senate bares 5 'Fil-shams' orders deportation: Wow! At least the Senate is really spending their time and tax payers money wisely like overseeing Basketball!

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: If at first you don't succeed, bribe.