03 January 2005

New Year, New Wallpaper

This used to be my old wallpaper. It has been for the past two years. I guess, I have to have a new look.

Now, it's this one.

Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away, just has that right kind of magic. Not as loud and bang bang as the usual animated movies like Shrek or The Incredibles. I enjoyed those as well, don't get me wrong.

Somehow though, those quiet moments that Spirited Away has is kind of really absorbing. Even Tess enjoyed it immensely that she watched it twice in just one day. I do recommend finding the dubbed english version since the subtitled one kind of jumbles up the words.

The kids thouroughly enjoyed it. Oh wait. Let me backtrack. They didn't just enjoy it, they LOVED it. As well as Miyazaki's earlier movie,Tonari No Totoro. A movie for kids that doesn't even have any bad guys in it. Gabbi even sings the song when she plays with her toys. "To to to totoro... To to to totoro..." Posted by Hello