01 February 2006

Batman:Year 100

The dark prince of comix takes Batman 30 years into the future....
...Pope's Batman will battle his own villains. The series is set in a high-anxiety future, where totalitarianism has nearly snuffed out the remnants of humanity. America in 2039 is a police state, individual liberties have been curtailed, and there's a dark sense of impending doom. Roving police squads, Blade Runner-esque floating vehicles, and robotic watchdogs scan the skyline. A distressed-looking Batman is the only person Big Brother fails to track, and the superhero's mask symbolizes the last hope against a corrupt government encroaching on individual privacy. "He's someone with the body of David Beckham, the brain of Nikola Tesla, and the wealth of Howard Hughes, who is pretending to be Nosferatu," Pope says...

Oh wow. I wonder if this'll be at par with Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns...