"HARRY Potter may die in the next book in the series because author JK Rowling wants to kill him off, it was claimed last night....
...Rowling has already revealed she has written its last chapter, in which Harry and his chums come of age.
But the only detail of the top-secret project is that the final word is "scar".
Dale did not expand on how the teenager meets his fate, but Rowling has hinted either he or arch enemy Voldemort must die. At a recent meeting with fans, Rowling dropped her biggest hint that Potter may die. One fan asked: "Will we get a glimpse of Harry and Hermione's lives at the end of the last book?"
Rowling answered jokingly: "Assuming anyone survives, I may kill the whole lot."
She also teases fans by claiming the clues to Potter's end lie in the books..."
Well, it's just fiction. Maybe before he dies, he gets to ummm.. you know... ummmm... hit it off with Cho Chang, Fleur delacour or even Hermione (without Ron Weasley's knowledge, of course). That's the least JK Rowling can do for good old Harry.