06 November 2005

Red-faced police apologize, say captured man not Sahiron

This is so funny, it's pitiful
...their detained suspect was not the feared militant, known as the one-armed bandit...It was unclear if the unidentified man has, like Sahiron, only one arm."
Hmmm... It's so funny if the guy has two arms. I have a feeling, no, I am rooting that the guy has two arms.

Maybe right now, at this moment, his being placed in a room so they can cut off his arm to save face. But what if they cut off the wrong arm?


The guy has one arm! And looks like him too. What are the chances? Too bad he wasn't interviewed and I haven't seen clips of him to prove it. *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink* Oh well, maybe tomorrow.