18 October 2005

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is 15!

"...15 years ago today the Internet Movie Database, in essence, took shape. To celebrate that fact we've created a retrospective, of movies and of our own history, on a special 15th Anniversary page. On it we have our editors' picks for the best films of the last 15 years, our own history page, highlights of the individual years in movies (we'll start you out at 1990 and let you go from there), and, for a limited time, a $15 offer for headshot purchases with our Publicity Photos service. Most of all, however, we want to thank all of those who contributed, corrected, criticized, coerced, and (sometimes) complimented us along the way. We couldn't have done it without you and you share in this accomplishment. Our thanks again: The founders and staff of the IMDb..."

Happy 15th IMDb!

Here's my top 15 for 1990 to 2005

01. Unforgiven
02. Pulp Fiction
03. As Good As It Gets
04. The Empire Stikes Back
05. Se7en
06. Fight Club
07. Groundhog Day
08. Spirited Away
09. Pleasantville
10. Galaxy Quest
11. The Fifth Element
12. Chasing Amy
13. Office Space
14. There's Something About Mary
15. Dumb and Dumber

Blatant excuse for not really checking years:
I know Empire is like so 1980 but hey! That movie is timeless and this is my list...