29 September 2005

I just found out God's name!

And it's JOSS WHEDON! Well, not really. But I'm pretty much sure JOSS is close to being a god.

Firefly is just one hell of an awesome show. I've heard people swear by it but not until now have I seen the light. This is how I would picture Han Solo and Chewie if they didn't join the rebellion.

Firefly is just that sweet.

Mal, Zoe, Wash, Inara, Jayne, Kaylee, Simon, River, and Shepherd Book. Firefly truly rocks. In just an hour or so in the first episode and I'm hooked. This is one hell of a show and I tell you, I'll be burning the midnight phosphors going thru all the episodes.

Well, I have to you know. Serenity, the movie based on this series is just around the corner!