06 July 2005

Censors board suspends Sky Cable and Destiny!

This bit is buried at the bottom of the article. Funny that I think this is more important than 'Extra Challenge'. But then again, I saw Conspiracy Theory this morning...

"...The MTRCB also banned from airing shows for 15 days two cable channels caught violating the parental guidance classification allowed for television...

The MTRCB suspended the two cable channels (Sky Cable and Destiny) from July 4 to July 18...

Ok. So from now to July 18, there is nothing on television since I have Destiny. Not sure if this goes for everyone else though. But I am assuming...

Imagine all subscribers not having to watch anything. So if what I'm thinking is right, a whole lot of people would NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH THE NEWS, THE LATEST ON GLORIAGATE, OR EVEN the BBC! Nothing until the 18th.

How do you like them apples?


Well, it seems the MTRCB hasn't implemented the sanction to Sky and Destiny. Although during the time of posting, Destiny was out for a day or so. Destiny is back on again...