31 January 2005

F R E E . . . T A S T E

"Memories have a smell... those liminal moments months or years or decades ago..."
"i miss taking pictures of my body... "
"the more Bvlgari she wore...... the more insuferable she became..."
"...if you buy Quail Eggs from the Bus station in Buendia...you'd just have enough time to pop the last egg in your mouth when you get to the Lipa Exit..."

Wow. I wish I could write like Mec. Somehow, she has that magic bag where even the most boring of things like a bus ride suddenly becomes interesting enough for you to try it. Or even ideas that are so obvious that you miss it, like the smell of memories.

Anyway, this is my new link to my regular blog reads. See I have a rule to myself, only 13 blog links. Not one more. Not one less.

Why 13? Well, because 12 is not enough and 14 is too much. That's why. Silly rabbit.