31 October 2004

I always wanted to use the word epiphany in a sentence

The weirdest thing.

The first ten minutes of Collateral just gave me the most relaxing feeling in a long time. I don't know why. I mean, I just had the urge to stop the movie, close my eyes, and think of nothing.

A lot of things are happening around us these days. Sometimes, I feel weird not worrying about them. I mean, what's the right thing to do? Worry about myself and my problems or focus on how to make this world a better place to live in?

Choices, choices. Should it be the self righteous route? Or should it be the self centered path? I could go the self centered, self righteous combo. But then, I'd sound like an ass, wouldn't I?

I have tons of stuff to post but it just seems it isn't the right time to do so. The problem is, I feel it never is the right time. Aren't blogs supposed to be an outlet to vent out feelings, thoughts, and whatnot? So why this hesitation? Ignore the question. I mean, I know why. I...

Wait. I'm digressing.

What was I talki... oh yeah. Relaxing. I went thru a lot of movies this past few days. And each day didn't seem different from the previous one. Well, except for today. Oh wait, I forgot, I've been on vacation leave since Tuesday. I went on vacation because of my accident last week. And because I have some leave time I have to finish up before the year ends.

So, each day wasn't that different from the previous one. Except tonight. Of all the movies I watched, it's Collateral that gets me. Going around the city at night. Improvisation. Jazz. Loneliness. Forget the killing and the violence. This movie is riveting.

Ooops. Not riveting. Relaxing.

And like most of my posts, I don't know what my point is. And I don't know how to end one.