15 October 2003

Fraport heads say Macapagal lawyer 'asked for millions' - Oct. 15, 2003

Fraport heads say Macapagal lawyer 'asked for millions' - Oct. 15, 2003

" A PERSONAL lawyer of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had demanded "several tens of millions of US dollars" from the German airport operator Fraport AG to facilitate the ouster of its Filipino partner from the Terminal 3 project in Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport -- known as NAIA 3 -- so groups favored by Malacañang could take part in the project, according to top officials of the German firm..."

WHAAAT! The gall of these Germans!!! To go to the World Bank and acuse a Filipino Government Official of asking for money? Hah!!! As if they are saying our government officials are corrupt! No siree! Our government has OUR interests as a priority. Not on horses, not on airport concessions, not even on sweepstakes and lotto. There are no corrupt officials over here.

So what if all they are asking now is just to return the money they spent! I say, we all get offended. My gawd! Just the thought of it makes my blood boil. They're the ones who are corrupt not us!

We are predominantly catholic. God fearing. Morally sound. Principled. Disciplined. We do not just bow down and kow tow to others just for money. No way. Our government is the epitome of honesty and integrity.

Let's call CNN, BBC, and FOX. Let us air our indignation over this accusation. Let us broadcast it all over the world!!! I'm willing to bet that those accused would be proud to tell the whole world of their innocence.

*uhurm* Now for the word of the day:

sar·casm [sr kàzzəm] n
cutting language: remarks that mean the opposite of what they seem to say and are intended to mock or deride

[Mid-16th century. Via French from, ultimately, Greek sarkazein “to tear flesh,” from sarx “flesh” (source of English sarcoma and sarcophagus).]