30 October 2003

Dead or Alive?

"Ever wanted to know if a famous person was dead or alive? This website will help you find out... As of October 29, 2003 this website lists 6619 famous (and semi-famous) people from various walks of life - entertainment, politics, sports, music, law, ... and others..."

I didn't know Norman Mailer, JD Salinger and Charles Manson are still alive. But I kind of missed out on Strom Thurmond who just died last June.

And did you know that Al Capp has been dead since 1979? Wow! Dead and still making cartoons! Oh... I was thinking of Andy Capp. Sorry. Al Capp did Li'l Abner.

So who does Andy Capp?

Reg Smythe?

Oh... well, he's dead too. That's a real bummer. Great cartoon too.