04 August 2003



One thing that is risky in my line of work is that I handle KTVs. It used to be called girlie bars, nightclubs, now it's just three letters; KTV.

It stands for Karaoke TV. Why? Because these bars have private rooms where each of these room has a karaoke machine hooked up to a television.

You can get friendly GRO's to accompany you while you "enjoy karaoke". GRO. That's three letters that's new. Guest Relations Officer. And this past month, I have seen oodles. All shapes and sizes. All demeanor and attitude. From scantilly clad to scant.

Anyway, Monday is KTV day for me. I visit the KTVs in my area and check how things are going. See what help they may need. THe whole PR sheebang.

There's a new KTV that opened last week. I'll be visiting that too.

What's the point of this post? Temptation.

I try hard to be the shepherd.

But, I think I have the best solution to temptation. It's 100% guaranteed to work. After applying it, no more temptation. Zip. Nada.

All I got to do is to give in.