Here Lies Love – A Song Cycle deals with the life of Imelda Marcos, co-ruler of the Philippines in the 70s and 80s, as well as the life of Estrella Cumpas, the woman who raised her.
Through a series of songs written by David Byrne, with musical contributions from Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook), Here Lies Love – A Song Cycle presents Imelda Marcos meditating on events in her life, from her childhood spent in poverty and her rise to power to her ultimate departure from the palace. In particular, the production looks at the relationship between Imelda and a servant from her childhood, Estrella Cumpas, who appeared at key moments in Imelda's life.
Whoa! I never saw someone refer to Imelda Marcos as co-ruler of the Philippines. Well, not officially of course. Expect the usual ballyhoo from the usual ballyhooed.
If I may, the song Road To Nowhere by The Talking Heads can best summarize the present GMA Administration. Did I just hear someone shout out Money For Nothing by Dire Straits? No one. Dang! Those voices again...