A real life masked crime fighter. You think now that his secret identity is revealed, he'd be in danger?"...With a wink from police, Captain Jackson patrolled the streets of the struggling downtown, rousted undesirables from dark corners, made sure merchants' doors were locked after hours, marched in local parades and collected awards from community groups.
Wearing thick gloves, he saluted passersby and, with a slight grin, posed for photos with visiting celebrities, Elvis impersonators, elected officials and even the city's new postmaster.
All the while, Captain Jackson remained anonymous under the protective cover of gray or black masks with pointed noses. Until the Dec. 14 edition of the Jackson Citizen Patriot newspaper hit doorsteps with a headline that rivaled a DC Comics plot twist ...
"Crime fighter busted for drunken driving."..."
Oh and just like all superheroes, he has a website!