15 January 2005

The Soccer Channel

I love our cable provider, Global Destiny.

Nope. I don't work for them. But compared to the leading cable tv company, they innovate. Destiny was airing channels the other wasn't airing. And when those channels became popular, the other company assimilated them and started signing exclusi...

Oh wait. That isn't the subject of my post.

Oh yeah. The Soccer Channel, Super Sport 3. This channel is now a permanent fixture on my TV. No more HBO, CNN, Fox, CNBC, etc. etc. Imagine 24 hours of Football!

One time, I heard my two daughters playing their Nalee Nalee Spy make believe adventures. The plot? They have to destroy the evil satellite beaming down soccer games to helpless humans, turning them into mindless zombies shouting 'Liverpool! Liverpool!'....