10 January 2005

'L.A. Times' Drops Daily 'Garfield' as the Comic Is Blasted and Praised

"...Gene Weingarten, a humor columnist for The Washington Post and Washington Post Writers Group... said the paper displayed 'the kind of cojones missing in too many places' and described 'Garfield' as 'a strip produced by a committee, devoid of originality, devoid of guts, a strip cynically DESIGNED to be inoffensive and bad, on the theory that public tastes are insipid...'"

Well, I grew up with Garfield but somehow, there's nothing new happening anymore. It's like Groundhog Day. Strips have that rehashed kind of feeling to it.

But did you know that Garfield products rake in between $750 million and $1 billion each year.?

(via PvPonline)