30 December 2004

One Picture, A thousand emotions

JOURNEY TO THE AFTERLIFE. The vignette depicting a journey into the afterlife is replicated as Indian people cross by boat a body of water after a bridge was destroyed by tidal waves at Nagapattinam port, some 350 km south of Madras. The death toll in India from giant tidal waves that crashed into the coasts of Asia has crossed 9,000 with many thousands of people still missing, officials said.The death toll of 9,233 includes 4,000 in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, close to the epicentre of the Indonesian earthquake that produced the tsunamis, and another 4,500 in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. AFP PHOTO

Something about this photo. Just like the picture taken at Iwo Jima. This one just says it all. I'm just speechless. Posted by Hello